Decrease in number of social lettings

The number of lettings to social rent homes fell again last year and is now almost 25 per cent below its peak of six years ago, as more use was made of the higher ‘affordable rents’ regime which charities and... View Article

England’s housing stock in numbers

The most recent annual report from the English Housing Survey tells us there are 24.4 million dwellings in England, including both occupied and vacant homes. Of these, 15.6 million (64 per cent) are owner occupied, 4.7 million (19 per cent)... View Article

Energy efficiency of housing continues to improve

The energy efficiency of England’s housing stock continues to improve as the Government strives to meet its international obligations to reduce energy consumption. In 2019, the average SAP rating of English dwellings was 65 points, up from 45 points in... View Article

Council house Right to Buy sales stall

Right to Buy sales of council homes have fallen by 43 per cent in the latest figures released by the Government, falling to their lowest level since 2013. English councils sold 1,548 homes to tenants exercising their Right to Buy... View Article

Material change needed in 2021

The FMB’s Brian Berry takes a look at the changes that must be seen in Government policy to allow SME builders to thrive in these uncertain times. 2021 has started on a positive note. Only a matter of hours into... View Article

Government gives councils extra rough sleeper support

The Government is giving an extra £10 million to councils to find accommodation for rough sleepers throughout the lockdown period and ensure they are registered with a GP. The Government has said this will ensure more people can be protected... View Article