Cladding comes of age

Rainscreen cladding has been put under immense scrutiny post-Grenfell. While manufacturers have worked hard to regain trust, architects have become much more sophisticated when it comes to material specification. Andy Thomas of Vivalda Group discusses the current key trends The... View Article

Recycled material versus design flexibility?

Nick Haughton of Sapphire Balconies delves into the concept of ‘next generation’ manufacturing, and the need for firms to account for their recycled materials’ origin,  addressing the perceived impact on design flexibility Aluminium has been instrumental in companies advancing sustainable... View Article

What lies beneath?

Julian Thurbin of Wallbarn explores the key factors to consider when specifying the infrastructure beneath decking or paving that may be hidden, but is essential A well-designed, specified and installed decking or paving area can form the crowning glory of... View Article

Skilling up to design sustainable timber buildings

LISTEN HERE Andrew Orriss from the Structural Timber Association says that with the Government’s Timber in Construction Policy Roadmap pinpointing skills as one of the key themes to address, the industry needs to take a series of steps According to... View Article

Ask the Architect: Jane Duncan

LISTEN HERE Former RIBA president, founder of her own practice and recipient of an OBE for diversity, Jane Duncan answers ADF’s questions about what continues to inspire her What was the highlight of your career as a designer? Most of... View Article

A singularly caring approach

LISTEN HERE A new replacement for a 70s hospital which removed valuable parts of central Liverpool, a major new health facility for the city bridges healthcare and academia, restores urban quality, and has more ensuite single rooms than any other... View Article

A blend of art & architecture

LISTEN HERE The former home and studio of renowned Pre-Raphaelite painter Frederic Lord Leighton has evolved as a museum over its long life; its latest reimagining is a sensitive and artistic refurb by BDP, as Tom Boddy reports London is... View Article

A centre of learning

Ulster University’s new campus is a significant and complex achievement that knits a formerly suburban education provision into a busy part of Belfast’s city centre. Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios describes the scheme to ADF’s Tom Boddy The historic and newly... View Article

Building confidence in IoT

Dane Ralston of iOpt explores how housing professionals can utilise the Internet of Things (IoT), and how to overcome the barriers to its adoption. When discussing the barriers to making the Internet of Things (IoT) a ‘business as usual’ tool... View Article

Enhancing intercom access

LISTEN HERE 🔊 Melissa Lloyd-Williams of Intratone explores how access control technology can enhance building accessibility. Accessibility continues to be an important issue for housing professionals. Affordable housing and private property managers alike, help tenants – with a wide variety... View Article

Letter perfect

Richard Morris of UAP discusses the security and safety implications of letter plate specification. Much of our correspondence may be paperless these days, but homes still need a letterplate where letters, circulars and newspapers can be posted. Located prominently on... View Article

Intelligent temperature monitoring

Richard Braid of Cistermiser and Keraflo discusses the pivotal role that Intelligent Temperature Monitoring Units (TMUs) are now playing in the water management arena. Lockdowns across the UK have posed a demanding challenge for us all, but it is now... View Article

Paint – more than just aesthetics

LISTEN HERE 🔊 Dawn Scott of Dulux Trade explains why painting and decorating is the ideal way to keep maintenance costs down while boosting the wellbeing of tenants. The effect that colour has on an individual’s mood has been recognised and... View Article

The future of living

LISTEN HERE 🔊 HOMES UK is returning to the London Excel on 23-24th of November 2021, intended to provide a safe and timely opportunity for the housing sector to collaborate and plan for a post-Pandemic future. From discussing how to... View Article

The return of UKCW

LISTEN HERE 🔊 Demand for face-to-face events and networking is growing across the industry as the pandemic eases. In the light of this and Government publishing guidance on how major events can be held safely, the organisers of UKCW are... View Article

A Covid-secure Housing returns

LISTEN HERE 🔊 Housing 2021, the Chartered Institute of Housing’s annual conference, returns to a Covid-secure Manchester Central from 7-9th September to tackle key issues including post-pandemic housing, and the climate crisis Housing 2021 is returning to Manchester Central in... View Article

Stepping it up

Katie Chown of Spiral UK has researched the latest trends in staircase design, and proposes some fresh ideas for your self-build project One thing is for sure, the shutdown of movement across the country has not stopped people from ordering... View Article

What will tenants seek post-Covid?

Stuart Nicholson of Marley explores new research on the way Covid experiences have altered the views of social housing residents when it comes to their homes and the surrounding area The Government has clearly pinpointed the nation’s housing stock as... View Article

Stamping out fire door neglect

LISTEN HERE 🔊 Fire door specification is one of the most crucial decisions landlords and housing providers can make, with the technology forming an essential part of a building’s passive fire protection system. Jack Wooler spoke to Helen Hewitt of... View Article