Building better with the Roofing, Cladding & Insulation Show

25-26 March 2020, Ricoh Arena, Coventry The Roofing, Cladding and Insulation Show brings you a host of exhibitors demonstrating the latest tools and equipment, plus a carefully curated programme of conference and workshop sessions designed to inspire and support everyone... View Article

Nordic Copper for Architecture

Copper has an unrivalled lifespan, no maintenance and full recyclability. With a melting point of 1083˚C and ‘A1 (non-combustible material)’ fire classification to EN 13501-1, copper is suitable for cladding tall buildings, using appropriate constructions. Low thermal movement makes it... View Article

A clearer view of safety

Among the functions performed by glass and glazing systems as part of the building envelope, fire safety and protecting lives are critical. Darren Wainwright of SE Controls explains systems’ roles in addressing smoke control and compliance issues Within residential buildings... View Article

Get your cladding quality right

John Russell of Russwood explains why using a premium quality timber cladding, along with the right fixing system, is vital to ensure your cladding looks good for the long term The popularity of timber as a cladding material is on... View Article

We need to talk about plastic

Charlie Ayers, Managing Director & Founder, SureCav There’s no doubt, tackling climate change is high on the government’s list of priorities. This was recently evidenced by its decision to bring forward the ban on fossil fuelled road vehicles (ICE) by... View Article

Four ways to prevent & protect against house fire

You may not want to picture this, but imagine you are soundly sleeping on your bed and you instantaneously wake up by flames, smoke, and blaring fire detectors. The scariest vision, right? You and your loved ones are left out... View Article

COMMENT: Architecture practice reacts to cabinet reshuffle

Félicie Krikler, director at Assael Architecture, said: “There is a total incompatibility between the political cycles and the long-term aspects of housing, and appointing the tenth housing minister in the last ten years makes a complete mockery of the role.... View Article

Be a septic sceptic!

Dave Vincent of Kingspan Klargester breaks down everything that self-builders need to know about the ins and outs of off-mains drainage, from legal issues to the variety of options available Building a home in a quiet rural setting offers the... View Article