235 Grand

Calling upon their considerable experience in the rapidly expanding Jersey City area, HLW was engaged as design architect and architect of record for 235 Grand, a 45-story rental apartment tower complete with an internal garage, building amenities and retail space.... View Article

No one taking the blame for Grenfell Tower tragedy

The public inquiry into the Grenfell tragedy has resumed but it quickly became evident that none of the many designers, contractors and consultants were willing to shoulder responsibility for mistakes that allowed a fire to engulf the building more than... View Article

January sees contract awards increase by 18.5%

The value of all construction contracts awarded in January 2020 was £5.5 billion based on a three-month rolling average. This is an increase of 18.5% on December 2019 and is also 2.1% ahead of January 2019. In the three-month period... View Article

221 homes approved for Ebbsfleet Garden City

Ebbsfleet Garden City will get a further 221 homes after plans were approved tonight (Wednesday) for a scheme by Bellway Homes. 86 houses and 135 apartments, 30 per cent of which are affordable including three wheelchair accessible homes, were approved... View Article

We must stop playing politics with the housing crisis

New research from the Local Government Association (LGA) has revealed that more than a million homes were not built in the past decade despite planning permission for them being granted. The figures showed that 2,564,600 units have been granted planning permission... View Article