What to do if your house build goes wrong

Building a house is no mean feat. From locating land to drawing up ideas, securing planning permission, sourcing materials and managing the construction, the process can take several years and requires significant expertise.

Most projects rely on the guidance of a professional architect, a highly skilled profession that famously takes years to study and qualify for. It’s competitive too, with the number of registered architects in the UK increasing by three per cent to 42,547 by the end of 2019.

They all have a certain standard of care to adhere to – but what happens when things go wrong? Read more about architect negligence below and how you may be able to claim compensation on a no win no fee basis.

What is architect negligence?

Mistakes happen in the construction industry that, though rarely intentional, can have drastic consequences. Something an architect does or fails to do can seriously impact a building’s aesthetic design, structure and purpose. The results can cause costly delays – and resolving such issues rarely comes cheap either.

In most cases there will be a contract between a client and architect that sets out responsibilities and professional standards. It’s usually on them to complete the project as planned and in line with building regulations.

If an architect’s failure to take reasonable care goes against the terms of your contract, you could be able to claim compensation for the impacts of their negligence.

When might you be able to claim compensation?

As with all acts of professional negligence, you’ll need to be able to prove that your architect’s behaviour has directly caused your financial loss. This could have been in the supervision, management or design of your project.

Common cases include:

  • Poor building plans
  • Negligent design advice
  • Irresponsible building supervision
  • Poor project management causing financial loss
  • Inadequate budget planning causing extra financial outlay
  • Contractual disputes with other building professionals which cause financial loss

Such issues could leave you with a hefty bill and a potentially dangerous property. Claiming compensation could allow you to recoup your money and put things right.

What to do next

It can be difficult to distinguish between poor customer service and negligence in the construction industry. Whether you’re confident you have a claim or you’re unsure, the best course of action is to speak to a trained solicitor.

They’ll listen to your situation and advise on whether you could be owed compensation. If they think you could make a successful claim, they’ll talk you through the next steps including gathering evidence and submitting your claim to the other party.

Have you been let down on a building project? Look into making a claim today to help get things back on track.