Selling A House? 5 Things To Help Prepare Your Home For The Market

The house buying and selling process is a unique experience. Although it is renowned for being a stressful period in a person’s life, it can be gratifying. Climbing up the property ladder is something that many people wish to achieve.

When we move house, it could be for a plethora of reasons, from starting a family or having a fresh start in life. Whatever the reason, selling what will be your former home is a bittersweet experience. As mentioned, it is exciting as it marks the beginning of a new chapter. However, it is sad because it signifies the end of living in a place you have called home.

What will soon be your former home needs to be ready for the market. If you are about to sell your home, here are a few things worth doing to help prepare your home for the market.

First Impressions Count

First impressions are crucial. They are essential not just in business but also in selling a home. Kerb appeal, as it is more commonly referred to, is the initial opinion a person will form when they see the exterior of a house for the first time. The property’s exterior forms the foundation of a person’s opinion of the house. It sets the tone and can influence their perception of the interiors.

If the exterior of a property looks unkempt, the potential buyer’s opinion will likely be the rest of the house will match. If the exterior looks well taken care of, they will assume the interior will likely be the same. As you prepare your home for the market, spend some time looking at the exterior of your home with fresh eyes. Take note of what you could do to improve. Something as small as sweeping the pathway, so it is clear of leaves, cutting the grass or cutting back overgrown hedges are all improvements that can help make a noticeable difference. Additionally, ensuring that the windows are clean could positively impact a potential buyer’s first impression.

Tackle Signs Of Asbestos

Homes built before 2000 or were refurbished, there is a chance that some form of asbestos-containing materials were used to decorate. Asbestos in the house can be a health hazard that should be resolved as soon as it is spotted.

If there are signs of asbestos in your home, a house surveyor will likely notice it and include it in their findings report. Invest in the services of businesses like JS Removals, which are experts in asbestos removal. Hiring asbestos removal experts to handle the issue can help reduce the number of problems with your property.

If a surveyor report shows many minor and significant problems, it could be off-putting to potential buyers. They will see a report with numerous issues and consider additional expenses that need to be covered if they purchase the house. Investing in services to help reduce the number of problems can be worthwhile. It could help to increase the chances of a potential buyer saying yes to your property and putting an offer down.

Consider Buyer’s Perspective

When you decorate your home, you do so to match your taste and your needs. The spare bedroom becomes an at-home office, and your dining room might have been transformed into a playroom for your children. As it is your home, you have tailored it for you. However, when you start looking to sell your home, consider the buyer’s perspective. Walk through your home like it is the first time you see it. Put yourself in their position. They might rather have a spare room than an office space. Additionally, if they have no children, a playroom will be of no use to them, but a dining room would be ideal.

Of course, you do not have to update your house entirely in preparation for potential buyers visiting your home. Consider implementing small changes in some of these spaces to help potential buyers envision themselves living in the area. It could help to increase the chances of the house getting an offer put down sooner.

Spend Time Decluttering

Along with updating the spaces in your home to cater for potential buyers’ tastes, consider decluttering some of the rooms in your house. Go through each room and see what you can donate, sell or throw away that will allow you to create space. A cluttered home can be an off-putting sight for some potential buyers. Some of them might find it difficult to envision themselves living in an area where the rooms are packed with belongings. Spend some time decluttering the spaces in time for house visits. Aside from clearing your home, it can also help save you time when packing up your house to move.

In addition to decluttering, consider removing any more personal items, such as photographs. Try to create a neutral space in your home. If a potential buyer walks into a property filled with personal touches and memorabilia, it can be challenging to picture themselves in the room. Keeping the area clear and neutral can help to avoid this issue.

Add A Fresh Coat Of Paint

If your home’s walls look dull, add a fresh coat of paint to brighten the space. It might seem like a small thing, but the results are noticeable. Choose a light colour paint to allow the light from the windows to reflect off the walls and create the illusion of a bigger space. This illusion might entice potential buyers to place an offer on the property.

The Bottom Line

Any home improvements you make to a property can help increase the chances of your house being sold when it hits the market. Some home improvements can help to increase the value of the property. If you are considering these, ensure that the increase in value is worth the investment in improvements. As you look to sell your home, keep some of these tips in mind to help prepare your house for the market.