Level-Up Your Construction Business’s Water Bills

The construction industry requires a huge amount of water for essential operations such as the cooling of mechanical equipment.

As a result, a site’s accumulated water bill may come as a shocking surprise, and that’s before even getting into wastewater.

The construction industry is a huge contributor to wastewater. The industry is expected to manage and treat wastewater with care and efficiency.

Because of these factors construction businesses need to be careful when picking their supplier. As the water market only recently opened up as a result of loosened regulation in the UK, there are widely varying prices for equivalent water and wastewater services.

With Industry-specific requirements, it is worth taking the time to ensure that everything is properly managed and taken care of.

This guide will help those handling water management ensure that costs are cut where possible and the right services are in place to ensure that you aren’t overspending.

Keep On Top Of Consumption

When it comes to consumption you want to keep an eye on your water meters to make sure that you aren’t overusing water.

Often simple cutbacks like less water in the kettle or small leak repairs can have a significant effect on your bills.

Volumetric bills can be kept to a minimum surprisingly easily. You can use a wide range of resources that give you a clearer insight into your usage.

Equipping your site with Automatic Water Readers will tell you exactly when you are overusing from a notification sent straight to your device.

They can also help you identify leaks which can then be filled. Doing this can reduce your overall bills in an unexpected way; in some cases by hundreds of pounds.

Ensure High-Quality Wastewater Management

Wastewater management could have a huge effect on your construction business’s success. With significant financial penalties for mismanaged wastewater it has never been more crucial for your money management or the environment to handle wastewater appropriately.

It is worth investing in the highest quality wastewater services that are available to ensure that everything is properly managed and treated. These services will allow you to focus on your construction site operations with the peace of mind that you won’t have to deal with wastewater fines that can be in the tens of millions.

Fines don’t just have a financial effect on construction businesses, poor wastewater management could be hugely detrimental to reputation.

If you have a strong trade effluent management system in place you may be more likely to win contracts for large-scale builds. Environmental responsibility is becoming an increasingly necessity and priority for businesses.

Consider Your Supplier

Are you getting the best deals available to you? It’s hard to tell really; millimetre differences in piping can lead to a vast difference in cost. 

Due to all of this it is important to work with a business water supplier that not only has extensive experience but also a strong customer service team. An experienced customer service team will be able to walk you through all of the individual costs and services that your business will need.

Try to find a supplier with a proven track record in the construction sector that is willing to guide you through all of the costs associated with your construction site requirements. Those willing to talk you through costs will be more likely to provide cost-effective rates.