Industry Viewfinder: Revisiting the Approach to Fire Safety in Social Housing

Fire Safety within any home is an extremely important issue and one that’s been acutely observed within the social housing sector more recently. The last few years have seen an in-depth government review of failings, a wider consultation and new legislation to mend years of regulatory failure.

Housing associations and private landlords have a moral obligation to ensure that every resident is safe and have been busy assessing their stock and completing vital building safety works including cladding remediation, fire compartmentation and fitting sprinklers and fire doors.

But have things moved quick enough..? Do landlords feel they’re equipped to carry out the changes that are required and what’s slowly things down..?

In their recent research Housing Management & Maintenance tried to gauge progress in the sector, current thinking and approach and any obstacles delaying fire safety improvements. Our findings can be found in our latest white paper.

Click here to download the full report