GMB members sit in over non payment of wages at west yorkshire bedding factory in administration

100 workers going into the second week without wages and with no reassurance as to when they will receive any pay says GMB

GMB members at Kozee Sleep bedding factory are currently engaged in a sit-in at the company’s headquarters at Ravensthorpe in West Yorkshire over the non-payment of wages after the appointment of administrators from accountancy firm KPMG.

Neil Cole, GMB Regional Organiser, said

“About 100 workers are currently in &quotno man’s land&quot in respect to knowing what the future holds for them, after the hostile appointment of receivers. They are going into the second week without wages, and no reassurance as to when they will receive any pay.”

“With bills to pay, mouths to feed and families to provide for, this is a real picture of Britain’s working families being failed.”

“GMB will fight for justice for our members and ensure wages are paid as soon as possible, however we are not in a position to say when, which is a particularly distressing situation for our members.”

“The administrators have advised that they will be holding an update meeting next week but what are these people to do in the meantime.”