Future-Proofing Water Bills & Water Services

A few months from now, just after the summer period has cooled off, businesses the length & breadth of the country are going to experience something they weren’t ready for. As everything from the local pub to ordinary offices tries to get back to normal, there’s going to be an upsurge in water needs. 

And while staff won’t notice the difference, those looking after the bills will. Luckily, a business doesn’t need a crystal ball or Mystic Meg to see what the future holds for its water needs. In fact, it is surprisingly easy to get ahead of the curve and future proof your water bills and business water services.

Thanks to the experts at Castle Water, here are some of the key things to be aware of now so you don’t get stung with a bill you weren’t expected later on this year.

Get staff water confident

Let’s say you were opening back up to full capacity tomorrow. All staff are back in, and there’s no obstruction or guidance to follow. If you went around the workplace and asked everyone if they know how to find your water meter, what do you think your success rate would be? 

It is often a case of out of sight, out of mind when it comes to your staff’s relationship with water. Best to be proactive and improve knowledge so wastage can be minimised. The worst offenders for this are hospitality. I’m sure we’ve all seen cafes or ice creams shop where the tap is constantly running to keep equipment clean when it doesn’t need to. 

It is all about getting your staff equipped with knowledge that reduces usage and helps them see the role water plays, especially with bills. A good starting point to read up on such is this recent article on how to reduce the cost of your water bill. Some points are domestic but can translate over into commercial.

Get your water meter updated

Speaking of water meters and their location, do you know what type of water meter your business have? Don’t worry; the brand and such won’t have any severe impact on water bills, but if your meter is a bit behind on the times, it can.

I am specifically talking to businesses that don’t currently have digital/smart water meters. You want your business to have a meter that can send automatic readings to your provider and yourself. It can help you keep tabs on how much bills will be, and also allow you to flag up any problems if you notice spikes in usage when there shouldn’t be.

I recommend getting in touch with your current water supplier to talk about upgrading our meter. If they don’t provide a free service to do as such, they should be willing to assist you in the upgrade. If not, then shop around with other providers to find someone who will. It usually makes your provider panic as they don’t want to lose a customer.

Get your tariff locked now

While water demand is still low, get on the phone with your water retailer and see if you can negotiate a new water tariff. As long as you’re confident enough on the phone, it is undoubtedly the easiest way to future proof your water bills for two reasons. Firstly, your supplier will be happy you’re retaining custom for a set period. Secondly, you will see bills fall to a rough fixed figure, just as long as you’ve followed the advice I’ve already provided.