In a local referendum held on 8th November 2018, the residents of Ford in West Sussex have overwhelmingly voted in favour of a Neighbourhood Plan that has 1500 homes allocated in the area as part of a broader masterplan being developed between Wates Developments and Redrow Homes.
A spokesperson for the Wates Developments and Redrow Homes collaboration said: “We are clearly delighted that that Neighbourhood Plan has been positively endorsed by the local Ford community. We are not aware of any other Neighbourhood Plan in the country allocating 1500 new homes through a positive and collaborative process that has extended over five years to date. This success illustrates what can be achieved through constructive Neighbourhood Planning where there is clarity of purpose and imagination on all sides.
“As we further develop our masterplan for the site ahead of a planning submission, we will continue to consult with all local stakeholders so that we achieve the high-quality proposal that meets local needs, particularly the creation of a new ‘community heart’ for Ford, which has been the Parish’s central concern from the outset. We aim for this true collaboration between local community and developers to continue and bring this complex site fruition, delivering much-needed new homes and significant community benefits.”
The 900+ acre-site includes a mixture of agricultural land and the former historic Ford airbase which played a role as a Battle of Britain airfield in WW2 and a base for RAF Hunter jets. As it currently exists the airfield effectively bisects the Parish.
Creating a new ‘heart’ to Ford, the development could also include a new primary school, provision for a care home, a local centre with retail units, significant open space, allotments, play spaces, further football pitches to complement the Arun Sports Arena and Children’s Flying Fortress ball pit facility.
Popular car boot sales and farmers markets on the site will continue.
The clear focus now is on developing a quality masterplan with, significant open-spaces, extensive planting and trees jobs and facilities for existing and new residents.
With the site now allocated in the Ford Neighbourhood Plan and the Arun District Plan, the Wates Developments and Redrow Homes will now work to bringing forward its masterplan, including further community consultation, ahead of a planning submission towards the end of 2018/early 2019.