When limitations make doing anything an effort, one man has found a great way to enable him to spend time doing what he wants to do, rather than what he has to do… Stephen Savill, 58, has been disabled since he was 23, as a result of a brain haemorrhage and stroke. Deterioration in his abilities due to general ageing has prompted, on the advice of his Occupational Therapist, the installation of Palma Vita wash and dry toilet and Aerolet Tilt toilet lifter from Closomat.
“It’s been a life changer! He can spend time doing the things he wants to do, and not the things he has to do,” explained Stephen’s brother Mark, who helped organise the installation, by Closomat, at Stephen’s extra care flat in Grays, Essex.
“Before, he had to transfer from his powerchair to a rotunda (patient transfer system) to toilet, and back again. The effort left him exhausted, especially when doing it several times a day. Now, he just positions himself against the Aerolet, it lowers him over the WC, the Closomat’s functions ensure he is clean without having to try and wipe himself, and the Aerolet lifts him up again when he’s finished,” added Mark.
“The installation went with minimal intrusion, a professional, high quality job, and backed up by a quality control visit, when they also made sure Stephen understood, and was happy, using it all.”
Closomat’s Palma Vita toilet looks like, and can be used as, a conventional WC. Integrated douching and drying clean the user without the need for manually wiping with toilet tissue, and all its associated dexterity, strength and balance issues. The Aerolet toilet lifter fits over almost any toilet, and gently, smoothly lowers the user over the bowl, then raises them, whilst ensuring feet are in contact with the floor- the toilet equivalent of a riser recliner chair.
Closomat is the UK’s leading supplier of toileting technology for disabled and elderly people. The brand-leading Palma Vita wash & dry (automatic bidet) WC is complimented by wall-hung and height adjustable versions, and a raft of further, stylish bathroom assistive technology to enable people to undertake their intimate hygiene with dignity, independently.
Founded 55 years ago, and still family-owned, Closomat is unique in its provision, in-house, of design advice, supply, installation, commissioning and after-sales service & maintenance. Details of the Closomat’s assistive toilet care offerings, plus further case studies from real-life users, can be found on Closomat’s website www.clos-o-mat.com.