CIOB responds to the Queen’s Speech announcements

As the Conservatives begin their term in government, the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) provides its reaction to today’s Queen Speech.

With the announcements in today’s speech already documented, the CIOB is keen to engage with policy makers on the commitments laid out in the Housing Bill, the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill, and discuss, in greater detail, the government’s full employment agenda.

Eddie Tuttle, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Manager said:

“Whilst the CIOB welcomes efforts to simplify the neighbourhood planning system and increase the supply of Starter Homes through the Housing Bill, it is vitally important that there is an added emphasis on building design and quality.”

“Although an extension of Right to Buy may provide real hope to individuals wishing to secure a place on the property ladder, the issue for policy makers is the number of annual new-builds. Our figures suggest that 200,000 Starter Homes are needed annually – in order to meet rising demand.”

“Additionally the CIOB is pleased to see the government’s commitment to devolve more powers to local authorities; helping work towards full employment. This is positive news for the construction industry and with over 17,000 managers needed in the sector over the next four years; a career in the industry has the potential to deliver on the government’s aspirations.”

The CIOB continues to highlight the socio-economic importance of the construction industry through its guide to the built environment and will continue to work with policy makers to promote the sector.