6 Tips To Have Durable Temporary Work Shelters During Winter


Providing temporary work shelters is required during operations in remote locations. This practice is standard in industries such as oilfields, mining, construction, and research. These work sites are often exposed to harsh weather conditions, especially during winter. 

Durable temporary work shelters are crucial to workers’ safety. Since they’re staying far from hospitals and other establishments, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries is a must. Choosing the right structure and materials is imperative to build accommodations that can withstand snowstorms and blizzards and keep workers safe and warm. 

That said, here are six tips to have durable temporary work shelters during winter. 

  • Choose An Efficient Structural Design 

The structural design of your chosen temporary work shelter is vital to its durability amidst extreme weather conditions. When building a remote camp, planning the structures must be prioritised. These structural plans undergo several evaluations before approval to ensure strength and safety. 

One of the standard options for durable temporary work shelters is crew housing trailers. These structures are portable yet highly durable. Being elevated from the ground gives these structures space for installing heated floors to give workers a cosy and safe space to rest after their shifts. 

Another practical choice is fabric buildings. These structures have high tensile strength due to their engineered metal framing and durable waterproof fabric. Despite being lightweight, these accommodations are stable, comfortable, and safe since they can withstand severe storms. 

  • Select Corrosion Resistant And Waterproof Materials 

The materials used play a significant role in keeping the temporary shelters durable and reliable. Using premium weather and location-appropriate construction materials helps ensure the stability and functionality of the building during winter. 

Temporary work shelters like fabric structures are built with corrosion-resistant metal framing and waterproof membrane. These materials are ideal for worksites near the coast since the structural frames won’t rust and weaken despite being exposed to saltwater. The weatherproof fabric can also withstand extreme heat or cold, making it suitable for sites in the northern hemisphere and amidst a hot desert. 

Selecting corrosion-resistant and waterproof materials enhances workers’ accommodation safety. Since these are strong enough to endure the extremes, they can provide workers with the utmost comfort and protection. 

  • Build A Secure Foundation 

The foundation of a structure is the most crucial factor in its durability, stability, and longevity. Whether you’re using a portable or permanent accommodation, the base or substructure should be designed to hold the building and keep it from collapsing amidst strong winds. 

A rigid concrete base is required for most prefabricated temporary shelters like trailers, shipping containers, and portable houses. This substructure will keep the building from slowly sinking into the ground or shaking during a severe snowstorm. 

On the other hand, trailers or accommodations on wheels can hold up without a concrete foundation. However, attaching them to solid steel columns can help maintain stability against strong winds. 

  • Prioritise Proper Insulation 

Temporary work shelters designed for locations with extreme weather conditions require rigid insulation. A well-insulated accommodation is more durable and easier to maintain since the temperature and humidity are always controlled. 

Remote worksite accommodations should have proper insulation to prepare for a fully functional HVAC system. This feature will allow the building to breathe despite extreme outdoor conditions while providing clean and healthy air for the workers. 

Moreover, proper insulation and an efficient HVAC system prevent moisture from building up. Keeping the interiors dry makes the structure more durable and long-lasting, making the accommodations functional and cost-effective. Plus, you can efficiently prevent mould and rot. 

  • Determine The Best Building Size 

The durability of a building isn’t dependent on its size since there are standards followed no matter how small or large the scale is. However, there are ideal sizes for shelters in remote locations to ensure they are strong enough to accommodate workers. 

The best building size depends on the number of workers you need to accommodate. They should have enough space to move around without obstructions that may compromise their safety. Overcrowding is a hazard, putting the workers and the structure at risk. Therefore, it’s best to follow the recommended capacity of each building. 

  • Follow Building Safety Standards 

Each country or region has specific implementations of building codes and safety standards. When choosing what type of temporary work shelter to build, it’s best to refer to government-mandated regulations to create plans for faster approval. 

Following the standards ensure the durability of any structure. It requires a team of professionals like structural engineers and architects to create plans for temporary shelters. Then, it will undergo several evaluations before getting permits. Experts will also supervise the construction to ensure everything goes according to plan. 

Furthermore, going beyond the standards is also a practical choice, especially if the structure is exposed to harsh weather conditions. Going extra on tensile strength and weatherproofing can enhance the building’s durability. 


Durable and weatherproof temporary work shelters can help workers safely and comfortably brave winter and other harsh weather conditions. Following the standards and adding extra safety features will ensure these structures are stable and reliable despite extreme conditions.