Being safe at work is first and foremost a right all employees enjoy. A bad work environment is costly in the long run. For those of you who are responsible for a company’s work environment, you must do what you can to keep it as good as possible.
The physical work environment is about things like the wrong temperature, buzzing background noise, ergonomic desks, heavy lifting, bad air, and awkward working positions. A poor physical work environment can lead to both accidents and illness. Therefore, investing in the work environment can truly pay off.
A workplace where everyone feels safe and secure is the basis of working life. With the right knowledge and methods, you can improve the safety of your employees and make the work offices a place where all of them can feel good.
In this post, we look at some of the best ways to boost the safety and security of your employees.
Improve Air Quality
The air problems in an office can seem harmless compared to what it looks like in some industries. And of course, the risk of serious occupational diseases due to chemicals and particles is less significant. Still, poor air quality in the office can make people tired, cause headaches and impair work performance.
Poor ventilation is usually the cause, sometimes in combination with inadequate cleaning. Moisture damage and mold can also lead to problems. Inappropriate temperature is also a risk factor.
Moisture damage and excessive humidity due to poor ventilation can cause the growth of molds, bacteria, and mites. These in turn can cause allergies, skin problems, and respiratory diseases. What we usually call dust are small particles from textiles, paper, skin, and mineral wool, which can cause skin and tracheal problems. “Dry air” is often due to too much dust in the air, of course in combination with low humidity.
Check the ventilation, and check that the airflow is above the minimum levels. Clean every day and check the humidity and examine and eliminate any moisture damage. Make sure that the temperature stays at the recommended levels.
Ensure Safe Movement
To help prevent trip hazards and serious injuries, you should make it your priority to keep walking areas clear from clutter or obstructions.
By using a floor cable protector, you’ll not only improve the safety in your office or on-site operations, but also prevent damage to cables, cover unsightly wires or cords, and protect any wear-and-tear on the flooring underneath.
When you welcome clients or visitors to your offices, you won’t have cables spewed all across the floor and give a bad first impression of your business. A good floor cable protector will allow you to create a perfectly tidy workspace while protecting the overall effectiveness of the cables.
In addition, you’ll be able to boost staff productivity and improve the overall efficiency of your business by organizing the workspace because people work better and thrive in a neat and professional environment.
Think of Ergonomics
Ergonomics is about adapting the work to humans to prevent risks of ill health and accidents. It is important to plan and organize the work well and to obtain suitable equipment. It’s first and foremost important to have an ergonomic workplace so employees can feel good. It not only benefits them but also has a positive effect on the whole workplace.
Healthy employees mean fewer sick leaves which costs money. Therefore, it’s often profitable to pay a little extra to get better and more ergonomic office furniture. This will lead to fewer strain injuries. When staff can work ergonomically, productivity also tends to increase. Simplified workflows and smart functions make work more efficient. When the workplace invests in better ergonomics for its employees, it often leads to an increased willingness to work and engagement among employees.
Ergonomics in the workplace is a long-term job that requires commitment from both employers and staff. To be able to achieve good ergonomics in the workplace, as an employer you should gain a general knowledge of stress disorders and how to prevent them.
Knowledge among employees about ergonomics, technical equipment, and aids. The staff needs to get a good introduction to work technology and how to work ergonomically. Employees who experience that they have problems with their working position should be encouraged to report this in time so that the problems do not have time to develop into a stress injury.
Final Thoughts
Having your employees be healthy and safe on the job should be your priority. Although they are also liable when it comes to the safety of themselves and others, as the employer, implementing the above tips will ensure that risks are kept to a minimum and nobody is exposed to danger.