Surveyor fined after failing to detect asbestos

A specialist asbestos company has been fined after failing to detect asbestos at a housing association owned demolition site, and issuing an incorrect and misleading report. Greater Manchester Magistrates’ Court heard EAS Asbestos Limited were commissioned to conduct refurbishment and... View Article

Government crack down on rogue landlords begins

The Government has finally launched its long awaited crackdown on rogue landlords, with a national database to monitor offenders going live and tough new banning orders introduced. It is part of a raft of measures designed to drive up standards... View Article

Better ventilated homes for a brighter future

Paul Croughan, Head of Sales – New build at EnviroVent, looks at how the new build sector is meeting ventilation requirements and improving the air quality in new homes. The Government’s plan to build at least 200,000 new homes per... View Article

Rivals co-operate on new housing site

Two rival housing developers are working together to build and sell houses in the Nottinghamshire village of Collingham, near Newark. Larkfleet Homes and Gusto Homes are jointly developing Collingham Brook which will eventually have a total of 80 homes – 40 from Larkfleet... View Article

Low Carbon Homes Forum South West

Next week on Tuesday 5th June, the inaugural Low Carbon Homes Forum opens in Exeter. The event is set to ensure better collaboration across all those who influence consumers – their energy and heating purchasing choices and their consumption habits.... View Article