Does GREEN have to cost more?

Given two choices, would a product’s ‘green credentials’ sway a buying decision? For several years, the influencing factor on the consumer has been cost. However, clients, particularly those working to 30-year asset plans, now need to consider other aspects. Is... View Article

Council seeks to limit number of student houses in city

Liverpool City Council has told landlords to stop converting family homes into student accommodation in part of the city, unless they obtain specific permission to do so after complaints from residents about anti-social behaviour. The council’s cabinet has approved plans... View Article

New housing secretary of state appointed

The new Housing Secretary is James Brokenshire MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup, situated between south east London and Kent. He replaces Sajid Javid who moved to the Home Office after almost two years in charge of the housing brief.... View Article

Grenfell was not all about cladding

This month’s report into the role the Building Regulations played in last June’s horrific Grenfell Tower fire has stirred up plenty of controversy – and too many people are missing the point. The national headlines were full of calls for... View Article