Modern materials, traditional facades

Adrian Storey of Horbury Facades looks at how innovation in modern rain screen cladding materials is resulting in a rise in brick facades. When most people think of modern rain screen cladding systems, they picture steel and glass. However, architects... View Article

A breath of fresh air

Eliot Warrington of Solarcrest argues that building regulations need to reflect 21st century ventilation. Building Regulations have pushed people in the UK closer and closer towards airtightness in recent years, but while this is a demonstrably good thing with regards... View Article

Mayoral support for Croydon affordable housing

A Croydon Council-backed drive building around 2,000 homes for local people has been praised by a deputy Mayor of London during his visit to the borough. In 2016 the council established the development company Brick by Brick (BxB), which has... View Article

Southern Housing Group delivers stable performance in 2017-18

Southern Housing Group, one of the largest housing associations the UK, released its Annual Report and Group Financial Statements for the year 2017-18. The Annual Report demonstrates that the Group’s consistent underlying financial performance is underpinned by a robust balance... View Article

The Roberts, not the robots, will win the day

By Brian Williamson The robots are coming. The concept of Artificial Intelligence is no longer confined to the lurid pages of science fiction. The threat is real, and the construction industry looks likely to be joining drivers and secretaries in... View Article

BSRIA welcomes new housing minister

BSRIA has welcomed the announcement of Kit Malthouse as the new Housing Minister as part of the Prime Minister’s reshuffle to her cabinet. He has replaced Dominic Raab after just six months and becomes the eighth housing minister since 2010.... View Article

Equity release hits £1.71bn as plan sales surge

Retired homeowners released £1.71 billion of property wealth in the first six months of the year as the equity release market continued its record-breaking expansion, new data from the UK’s leading independent equity release adviser Key Retirement shows. Around £9.5 million of property... View Article