How Frequent Should You Inspect Your Cranes?

If you are in the construction industry, you probably deal with cranes in every project. These machines make it easier and quicker to move objects around, especially in high places. However, like any other equipment, they are also prone to natural wear and tear, so proper inspection is needed to ensure they function correctly. There are various reasons why you should not skip on your crane’s inspection and services, including the following:

  • The law mandates it. So, you should ensure regular inspection of your cranes and other lifting equipment unless you want to face legal troubles. The Health and Safety Executive or HSE requires inspecting the cranes from their first use and on specific schedules throughout their lifespan. 
  • Regular crane inspection is one way to keep employees safe. If they malfunction, they could cause injury to the operator and the people around the work area. Your employees keep your operation going, so you may experience a delay if they get hurt and your equipment stops working. 
  • It will save you from more costly repairs or equipment replacement. Regularly inspecting your cranes and other construction equipment will help you catch minor or potential problems before they become bigger or more serious. With this, you can fix them so that you can save time and money. 

You must have a crane inspection before every use, each year and within ten years of its use. If you find any issue, get immediate service or repair from a reputable company like PM Cranes. They will effectively find the real cause of the problem and provide the needed fix. 

Daily inspection

Daily inspection of the crane before every use is vital to ensure that it is in good shape, thus preventing accidents or breakdowns. Print a checklist to use as a guide, and ensure that all the important components are checked. Next, do a walk-around inspection, where you check the machine while not in use, and an operation inspection, which is a check while it’s running. Things to check for the walk-around inspection are the hook, block, wire rope, and safety guards. For the operation inspection, check the area safety, brakes, noises, stability, and load. The crane operator can do this, or you may appoint someone in your team to do the daily inspection. 

Yearly inspection

Once a year, you should also bring your crane to a specialist to do an inspection. The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 or LOLER requires all crane operators and owners this yearly servicing. Besides the legal obligation, it also benefits you as it will keep your crane in mint condition, thus extending its lifespan. 


Your crane must also undergo a more thorough inspection every ten years. The specialist will disassemble it and inspect every part, fixing or replacing them as necessary. However, depending on the condition of your train, an overhaul could be more frequent than this. Those exposed to harsh weather and heavily used may need more servicing. 

Keep your crane in top condition and avoid accidents and delays in operation by getting crane inspection and servicing as needed.
