Top reasons you may need to call in a professional roofer

The roof of your home is something that you tend to take for granted. It does its job, you don’t give it a second thought, and that’s the end of the story – or is it? Unfortunately, there will be those times where you do need to be aware of your roof, and give it some attention in the form of a professional roofer coming out to take a look. But when will this be necessary? Here we’ll take a look at five reasons you may need to call in a professional roofer.

Water is Leaking Into the Home

When it comes to the most common reason that homeowners need to call on a professional roofer, leaks tend to be the top answer. If you have water leaking into your home from the roof, this is something to take seriously and act upon right away. Ignoring the problem will only cause it to get bigger, cause more damage, and ultimately cost more money in repairs.

The thing to remember is that just because you have a leak it doesn’t mean the whole roof needs to be replaced, minor repairs may be all that’s necessary. It’s impossible to know until a professional comes to take a look.

Slates are Missing or Damaged

As GJS Roofing & Building Maintenance points out, missing or damaged slates or tiles are another common reason that homeowners will call a roofer. GJS is a roofing and building maintenance company with more than 30 years’ experience. They work in residential and commercial properties. As soon as you see missing or damaged slates or tiles, it’s important to act quickly as you don’t want to risk any water leaking into the home. Again, this can be a simple as a minor fix rather than a whole roof replacement.

The Age of the Roof

The age of the roof can also play into what issues you may be experiencing. The fact is that every roof has a lifespan. You can take steps to prolong its life and ensure you’re maintaining it the best you can, but eventually it will need to be replaced.

The good news is that hard slate roofs can last between 75-200 years, so the lifespan may not be something you need to deal with. Minor repairs and small replacements along the way may be all that is necessary.

A Recent Storm Has Caused Damage

Here in the UK, the weather can be pretty unpredictable, and storms can be rather damaging. It’s the wind that can really do a number on your roof. Even a good quality relatively new roof isn’t immune to storm damage.

Just like with all the other issues, you want to be sure that you bring in a roofer as soon as you notice the damage. They will be able to properly assess the situation and give you the details on what needs to be done.

Don’t Hesitate to Call in the Professionals

At the end of the day, roof issues aren’t something you want to ignore or take mildly, instead, you will want to call in the professionals quickly so that the problem can be fixed before it gets a chance to grow bigger.