Benefits of designing homes with daylight in mind

Exposure to daylight has a direct impact on the human circadian system, productivity and mental wellbeing. According to the Mental Health Foundation approximately one in 15 people in the UK are affected by ‘SAD’ or Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is directly impacted by the lack of daylight in the winter months. Improving access to daylight has benefits in terms of aesthetics, energy conservation and human health.

Benefits of Daylight

The circadian system, the biological process which regulates the human sleep cycle, is directly affected by the amount of daylight one receives on a day to day basis. If the human body is not expose to the correct light-dark cycle over 24 hours, it can have numerous negative effects on productivity and health. If the cycle differs by even up to two hours, it causes imbalance in the human sleep cycle which can create a variety of wellbeing issues and a serious lack of productivity. Access to daylight and the outdoors provides important stimulus for the circadian system.

Exposure to daylight is essential for the production of Vitamin D. Without vitamin D the human body cannot absorb calcium, a key mineral in the maintenance of bones and joints. Studies have shown that a lack of vitamin D is directly related to depression and obesity. A lack of vitamin D can also have other negative effects on the body such as; thinning of the hair and nails and a decrease in energy.

By taking advantage of the daylight, you can save on energy bills. Both heating and lighting will seriously benefit from an improvement in the amount of daylight in the home. By installing larger windows or doors, daylight will be plentiful. Enough daylight will mean that artificial lighting is not necessary during daylight hours, conserving energy.

How to design a home with daylight in mind

One of the best, and most popular ways to improve the amount of daylight in a home is bi-fold doors. Studies suggest that currently the integration of bi-fold doors in a house, is perhaps more important to new buyers than a new kitchen or conservatory. Bi-fold doors from Quickslide provide a seamless progression from the inside to the outside. The benefits of bi-fold doors include; energy efficiency, a more welcoming environment and superior security.

Install larger windows. Larger windows, particularly floor to ceiling windows, provide better access to daylight and better distribution of the light.

Arrange rooms based on their usage. Room orientation should be based on the position of daylight. For example, rooms such as the Kitchen, which are used more in the morning should be facing the morning light to fully take advantage of the daylight. This will enable the stimulation of the circadian rhythm.

Tips for Future Homeowners

There are a few things homeowners can do to make the most of the daylight in their home. To further benefit from the floor plan, optimised during the design phase, homeowners should make sure that their main living space is in a position to receive at least two hours of direct sunlight per day. This will directly benefit their sleep cycle, productivity and wellbeing.