The environmental benefits of installing window blinds

A quality set of window blinds will contribute enormously to the style and function of an interior space. They’ll allow you to precisely control the amount of light that’s entering the interior, and, provided that you invest in the right sort of blinds, they’ll look fantastic even when the weather isn’t so sunny.

But blinds also confer a different sort of benefit: they’ll help you to reduce the environmental impact of your home, and protect your interior from the environment. Let’s look at some of the environmental upsides to installing a set of quality blinds.

Blinds Save Energy
While heavy curtains are more effective at preserving heat during the winter, blinds are just as great at excluding heat during summer. This means you’ll spend less money running fans and air-conditioning systems. If you’d like the best of both worlds, of course, you can go for both curtains and blinds, with the latter set within the window and the former sitting on either side of it.

Blinds Protect against UV
The light that strikes your property is made, in part, of ultraviolet rays. These are the harmful sort which will, as well as causing adverse health effects, will prematurely age your furniture and upholstery. While this won’t happen in a single fiery instant, it will have an effect over the longer term. So, if you don’t want one side of your sofa or carpet to be discoloured relative to the other in a decade’s time, the investment in blinds makes a great deal of sense.

Blinds are Affordable
If you’re looking to equip your entire home on a budget, then blinds make an appealing choice. The more of them you’ve installed, the greater their benefits will be – including the environmental ones.

Blinds are Durable
A quality set of window blinds will last for years, or even decades. That means you’ll spend less money on replacements, which means that the environmental cost of manufacturing a new set will be lower. This durability is especially useful in parts of the house where airborne moisture is more prevalent. Thus, blinds are an obvious choice for bathrooms and kitchens.

Blinds are Sustainable
Opt for a set of responsibly-sourced timber window blinds and you’ll find that the environmental cost of materials is next to zero. Plus, once your blinds do reach the end of their lifespan, you’ll be able to dispose of them with minimal guilt, since timber is biodegradable.

Blinds are Easy to Maintain
The hardness of a set of blinds makes them easily dusted and wiped clean, especially when compared with a set of curtains, which often require dry cleaning. This makes it easier to maintain a healthy, dust-free environment.